At the end of 2019, the University of Montpellier will align itself with national policy and implement its plan for reproducible science. Spearheaded by the university's Vice President for Open Science and Research Data, this plan is made possible by collaboration between a number of cross-functional departments and services, including: the Service Commun de Documentation (SCD), the Institut Scientifique de la Donnée de Montpellier (ISDM), the Direction de l'Innovation et des PArtenariats (DIPA), the Direction de la Recherche et des Études Doctorales (DRED), the Direction des Services Informatiques et Numériques (DSIN), the archivist and the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

In practice, it's a global approach that aims to establish the use of Hal and the responsible management of research data. This approach takes the form of various training courses, a Scientific Data Management university diploma, and a wide range of webinars on the key themes of Open Science: HAL, Open Data, Open Access, digital identity and electronic laboratory notebooks. 

Support teams, specialized services and other specific tools are deployed to provide the best possible support in managing data, source code and software, as well as in managing digital identity and scientific publications

For scientific publications

Opening of the HAL-UM portal (2017)

Setting up a network of HAL referents within the UM's research units

Funding for the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Financing Peer Community In (PCI)

Setting up a signature charter for UM scientific publications

Set up of an assistance team for the deposit in HAL - E-mail HAL assistance

For research data

Data workshop: towards a research data ecosystem (ECODOR)

Creation of a UM Data Management Plan (DMP) template

Espace institutionnel Data UMontpellier sur Recherche Data Gouv - Email RDG UM

Set up a network of data correspondents within UM research units

Storage and high-performance computing ISDM-MESO 

Implementation of an electronic laboratory notebook solution

To support national and international commitments to Open Science, the University of Montpellier is heavily involved in large-scale initiatives.

What is Open Science?

Open Science is the unhindered dissemination of the results, methods and products of scientific research. It takes advantage of digital opportunities to promote access to research publications, data, software and source codes, making them more reproducible. It also covers other important facets:

Open Science perimeter

In France, its implementation revolves mainly around Open Access and Open Data, and is based in particular on the Law for a Digital Republic (2016) and the National Open Science Plan (2018, 2021).

Open Access in brief

This international movement, which began in the 1990s, aims to make scientific publications freely accessible to readers. To achieve this, two approaches have been identified: open archives (online repositories where researchers can deposit their scientific output) and open access journals (scientific journals with different economic models).

More info: toolbox and services

Open Data in brief

Complementary to Open Access, the Open Data movement imposes a principle of opening up public data by default. Applied to research data, its aim is to improve data management and make it easier to find, access, interoperate and reuse (FAIR principles).

Find out more:

Ouvrir la science website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

Data, source code & software page


Le Service Commun de documentation (SCD) - Email SCD research trainers

Institut Scientifique de la Donnée de Montpellier (ISDM) - Email ISDM

Direction de l'Innovation et des PArtenariats (DIPA) - Email DIPA

Direction des Services Informatiques et Numériques (DSIN) - E-mail DSIN

The Archivist (DCSPH) - Archivist email

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) - Email DPO

Direction de la Recherche et des Études Doctorales (DRED) - Email SPIL DRED

