Data, source code & software

Within the framework of Open Science, the University of Montpellier offers support for the management of research data, software and source code through :

A dedicated team

Help with drafting a SMP (see webinar) / ask for support

Help getting started with DMP Opidor (view webinar)

Help with filing on Recherche Data Gouv (View the webinar)


A dedicated institute

Computing and storage center

Specific services

DIPA: responding to calls for projects

DPO : personal and sensitive data - Email

DRED: steering Research

Ethics Committee: ethical issues - E-mail

DSIN: implementation of the UM's digital strategy, consult thedigital offer provided by DSIN and make your requests via the Service Center.

Comic strips

We take stock of research data with Sorella!

Author: Marie Latour

Designer: Olivier Copin

Graphic design: Bénédicte Sauvage

University of Guyana / URFIST Paris


Training in research data

DoRANum, an online training platform for managing and sharing research data according to the FAIR principles

Open Science Thesaurus

The electronic laboratory notebook

Description and webinar presentation

The Data Management Plan (DMP)

Creating a SMP


Tools listing controlled vocabularies

Personal and sensitive data

Data sharing

Find your data warehouse

Re3data (international level)

Cat Opidor (national level)

Data warehouses (finding and depositing data)

Long-term preservation

CINES (data)

Software Heritage (software and source codes)